Often sponsorship is perceived as a business giving money to a club and the club giving some form of advertisement in return. Indeed this is true, however there is more! The participants of the RMF and their families enjoy a great league and association. Sponsorship helps to accomplish one of our primary objectives of ensuring the kids have fun while learning the wonderful team sport of football.

The thoughtfulness of the RMF sponsors is proof that often sponsorship provides more than the necessities. On behalf of our children, parents and entire association, RMF expresses our sincerest appreciation to our sponsors and the role they play in making the Regina Minor Football 2000 Inc. a great success!

We encourage our RMF membership to support the sponsors on this page. We encourage you to take an interest in the positive development of youth of Regina and area!

If you or your company is interested in supporting the efforts of the RMF, we have sponsorship opportunities available to accommodate any situation. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for further information.

In the rebuilding of Leibel Field's facilities, and the continued support for our gameday experience, we gratefully acknowledge the support and contributions from the following:
4 Seasons
A-1 Rentals 
All Weather Windows    
All-Rite Group of Companies   
All-Rite Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
AP Construction    
Auto Gallery
BLS Asphalt & Construction  
Bobcat Regina
Brandt Industries
Brewsters Brew Pub (Lanigan Family)
Brxton Masonry
Brxton Masonry Inc
Cindercrete Products Ltd.(Kevin Tell)    
Conexus Art Center
Creative Door Dangstorp Dental    
DQ Grill & Chill Restaurants    
Dundee Developments
Dura Structures
Dusty Boy Carpentry  
Estevan Minor Football    
Everflow Eaves & Exteriors
Evolution Insulation  
Floform Countertops    
FY Construction
Gabriel Construction Ltd.    
Galon Insurance Brokers
Garwak Properties  
Gear Up with Jon Ryan
General Sandblasting & Painting
Gentek Building Products Ltd.    
Gillis Quarries    
Gross Farms
Highmark Exploration Inc.    
Industrial Scale (Dale & Teresa Hensrud)    
Kelturn Drywall Ltd.    
Kenroc Building Materials  
Keystone Royalty Corp.
Knight Automotive Group
Kress Electric
Lex Capital Corporation    
Lex Capital Management Inc.    
Living Sky
Loraas Disposal
Mercedes Benz Regina    
Mosaic Co
Nite Staging
Northwest Painting
Nu-Fab Building Products  
O & T Farms
Olympic Super Center
Open Road Recreation
Optimum Roofing Ltd
Pasqua Paving
Power House Electric    
Redhead Equipment
Regina Bobcat 
Regina Motor Products
Regina Red Sox
Regina Soccer Association    
Richards Transport    
Royalty Developments
Saskatchewan Roughriders    
SK Roughriders Player Alumni Association    
Spectrum Safety Consultants
Taylor Automotive Group
The All-Rite Group
Tim Wicijowski CIBC Wood Gundy
Timberstone Distribution Ltd
TMS Commercial Coatings
Village RV
Westridge Construction
WF Botkin Construction
WF Botkin Ready Mix
Al and Mildred Picton  
Allan Batters and Susanne Andres
Anaka Family
Andrew Scheer MP
Anthony Leblanc
Anthony Markquart
Barry Hubich    
Barry Tessier and Cheryl Husum
Berny Gross and Jackie Hall
Bill Taylor
Bob, Gail, Rod, Carla Sisco and family
Brent Tkachuk
Brian Erick    
Brian Galon
Brian Leipert
Bryden and Ali Wright
Cam Taylor    
Carmelo Carteri
Celeste Geisbauer
Chad Taylor    
Craig and Pam Lothian
Craig Stewart
Dale and Denise Folstad
Darren and Darleen Gelowitz
Darren and Donna Anaka    
Daryl Jones
Dave and  Misty Schaworski
David Contreras and Perla Tinoco
David Wellings and Faye Krumm
Dean and Donarae Picton    
Dennis Jones
Denny and Nancy Forbes
Derek and Cheryl Picton
Derek Simpson
Deryl and Laurie Nenson
Dewayne and Tammy Walbaum
Don and Leanne Black
Eric Urzada
Frank Mafrica
Garth Tomlinson
Gary and Audrey Drummond
Gary and Laura Redhead
Gary and Wendy Leontowitz
Geoffrey and Mimi Walker
Gerry and Jill Harris
Greg & Brenda Fieger
Gwen and Mark Behrns
Irene and Jennifer Short
Jack Drummond
Jason and Kelly Drummond
Jason Ledingham
Jeff Gross and Nancey Scharf
Jeffrey and Kyle Fricke
Jess Roth
Jim and Kevin Murphy
Jim Braun
Jim Short
Joe Ferraro and Sharron
John and Carla Frasor
John and Joyce Konoff
John and Tina Edwards
John Burwell and Soula
John Di Palma
Jordy Schaworski
Kelly and Robyn Hamilton
Kevin Knight
Larry and Linda Wright
Len and Kelly Antonini
Les Krentz
Loraine & Mike O'Donnell
Marco and Cindy Ricci
Mark & Wendy Smith
Mark and Joellette Kush
Mark and Paula Silver
Mark Lang
Marla and Bill Preston
Matt Shalhoub 
Max and Lynda Morin
Milt Walker    
Morgan and Shaun Reich
Murad and Michelle Al-Katib 
Nevon Faucher
Norm Abs    
Owen Mitchell    
Peter and Mary Ferraro
Picton Family    
Preston and Kirstie Drummond
Ralph Wegman
Randy Mastel    
Ray Morin
Reg Gross and Diane Marchuk
Rick Ponto and Joan Johns
Ron and Gwen Nugent
Russ and Cathy Richards
Ryan and Cathy Leech
Sarah Fedorchuk
Scott and Adria Love
Scott and Dione Greiner
Shawn Dym
Taylore Gross and Shannon Smith
Ted and Sheri Gross
Ted Knight    
Terry and Holly Leach
Terry and Robin Gilroy
Tim & Theresa Probe
Tim and Laurice Wicijowski
Tim and Lori Wiens
Tim LaFrance
Tracy Fahlman and Laura Armitage
Trevor and Carla Crozier
Tyler and Jenn Wright
Wade & Fiona Probe    
Wayne and Dorothy Papp
Wayne Giebel
Wayne Paproski and Dean Klippenstine
City of Regina
Farm Credit Canada    
Government of Canada    
Government of Saskatchewan    
SGI Canada